Demonic, alternate reality versions of Adam and Eve lay down, like giant, obscene pigs, rolling in their own festering filth pit, laden with a grotesque torrent of dead rotting bodies. They have filled themselves sick, with the flesh of the Earth, of her beasts, fowl, forests, and even her own children. This giant, white porcelain tub of filth sits upon an endless, flat bathroom tile landscape, whereupon sit the ruins all of the civilizations which will come before them. The byproduct of timeless purity, seen through the fun-house mirror we’ve come to know as time, now reduced to radioactive rubble. Saturn ascends high in the sky, still appearing as a dull, bluish star, with a red halo of light around its edges, the first stages of its ring which would subsequently follow. Saturn seems to emanate a sickly and surreal aura upon the very fabric of time, which now shimmers upon the Earth’s cartoon-like dystopian landscape.